Foot & Ankle

Basic Anatomy

The foot and ankleis actually a very complex structure containing no less than 28 separate bones and many more individual muscles and tendons. It is responsible for absorbing ground impact, stabilising the lower limb, actively controlling motion and providing feedback for balance, all whilst under the full load of the body. A fine compromise has to be achieved between support, shock absorption, balance and mobility, making it particularly vulnerable to injury. Problems with the foot can therefore create issues all the way up the lower limb and even to the lower back or further.

Conditions treated:

Tendonitis - Literally means inflammation of the tendon. This occurs secondary to damage which may occur for a number of reasons including repetitive movements, direct trauma or poor movement function.

Achilles Tendonitis - The Achilles tendon is the large tendon that attaches the calf muscle to the heel bone. It produces heel pain and calf tightness.

Sprain/Strain - Overuse or sudden twisting can result in ankle sprains. Tearing of the muscles and ligaments which support the ankle will cause local swelling and tenderness. The most common is an inversion sprain where the foot twists inwards.

Plantar Fasciitis - A painful condition affecting the sole of the foot and into the heel. Usually related to poor foot mechanics, so as well as directly treating the area of pain, it is essential to correct the foot's mechanics for full and continued resolution.

Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome - Compression of a nerve on the inside of the ankle, this condition causes tingling and numbness across the bottom of the foot under the big toe.